See You Next Season


Employers Wanted

Why should employers join us?

We employ people too, and we know how hard it is to find enough staff to keep a business humming along, especially in this post-covid era.

We pride ourselves on keeping the database up to date and attracting enthusiastic, reliable, and honest workers.

SEE YOU NEXT SEASON does not charge ongoing fees after a person has been hired. Our platform has plenty of great features to make the hiring process fast, effective, and less expensive, allowing business owners to concentrate on running their business.

Membership tier pricing

NameGreen CircleBlue SquareBlack Diamond
CostFree$US25 per month with 5% discount for 12 month plan.$US50 per month with 10% discount with 12 month plan.
Free points on signup.111
Contact costs1 point = ability to message 1 employee and get their contact details1 point = ability to message 1 employee and get their contact details1 point = ability to message 1 employee and get their contact details
Free Contacts1 per 14 days. No rollover1 per 14 days. No rollover2 per 14 days. No rollover
Cost for additional points$US25 per point$US20 per point$US15 per point
Additional optionsAdditional optionsAdditional optionsAdditional options
Job postingsFree Job postings appear on jobs page and are sent out to the database in our monthly newsletter.Free Job postings appear on jobs page and are sent out to the database in our monthly newsletter.Free Job postings appear on jobs page and are sent out to the database in our monthly newsletter.
Resort or destination profileN/A30 points. Profile is placed on Know Before You Go blog and published on social media sites.25 points. Profile is placed on Know Before You Go blog and published on social media sites.
3 person Short list hiring campaignsN/A7 points See you next season creates a 3 person pre-screened short list to a job posting5 points See you next season creates a 3 person pre-screened short list to a job posting.
5 person Short list hiring campaignsN/A10 points See you next season creates a person pre-screened short list to a job posting8 points See you next season creates a person pre-screened short list to a job posting.
Content creation resort profiles. POAN/ACreated by Ski TV POACreated by Ski TV POA

Benefits of Paid Membership


